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Meghan and Harry’s Easter in LA was spent doing what they love most: helping. 🌷 The Duke and Duchess helped distribute meals for @projectangelfood, a non-profit charity that cooks, prepares and delivers meals to people living with critical illnesses who are at greater risk during the COVID-19 pandemic. “They actually did two deliveries for us — one on Easter Sunday and one on Wednesday — and they’ve done it quietly,” Richard Ayoub, Project Angel Food’s executive director said in a statement. “We’re completely honored.” 🍌🍎🥦🥕🌽 “They were extremely down to earth and genuinely interested in every single person they met,” Ayoub continues. “They engaged with our chefs, they engaged with clients — they just wanted to make sure that people felt the love and appreciation. Their goal was really to just honor our chefs and staffs and volunteers by being of service.” “What Meghan said is she wanted to show Harry Los Angeles through the eyes of philanthropy. It’s just beautiful,” he adds. “There’s obviously a great deal of love and selflessness between them. They both are individuals who want to know about others. Our clients are clients who are often forgotten. They really wanted to go visit these people. They wanted to see them and talk to them and hopefully put a smile on their faces.” Apparently, Meghan knew about Project Angel Food when she previously lived in LA and wanted to help. The non-profit has over 400 people on their waiting list amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. “She said she wanted to do something to give back on Easter and was talking to her mom [Doria Ragland] and her mom told her that Project Angel Food needs help and Meghan said, ‘Yes, brilliant.’ ” “They really wanted to ease the workload of our drivers because they deliver to between 50 and 60 people a day,” he adds. “Meghan and Harry took about six deliveries last Sunday and then they said, ‘We want to do it again and we want more,’ so they took 14 deliveries on Wednesday.” “They were both nice and very down-to earth people,” he added. “They had masks on, and they were dressed down with jeans, but very nice jeans.” 💗
A post shared by Meghan Markle (@hrhofsussex) on Apr 16, 2020 at 11:46am PDT
Em meio a quarentena e os casos de coronavírus crescendo na América do Norte, os ex-membros da família real, Harry e Meghan Markle resolveram ajudar e arrecadar alimentos e entregar para comunidades carentes em Los Angeles, Califórnia. Os Estados Unidos é o mais novo epicentro do coronavírus no mundo, e por isso no último dia 12, Páscoa, foram entregues refeições para pessoas em estado critico mas que estão em isolamento.
O casal real que se mudou recentemente para o estado americano, soube que os motorista que ajudam nas distribuições de alimentos do projeto, precisavam de ajuda e se sensibilizaram com a ideia. Além de ajudar no feriado, voltaram no dia 15 abril para entregar para mais famílias em condições precárias.
O projeto conhecido como Angel Food serve 1600 refeições por dia mas agora diante da crise no país, vão ser mais de 2000 alimentos entregues. “Eles ouviram que nossos motoristas estavam sobrecarregados e queriam se voluntariar para diminuir a carga de trabalho dos motoristas”, contou Richard Ayoub diretor do projeto, ao ET online.
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